A. S. H. M. van Dalen, M. Jansen, M. van Haperen, S. van Dieren, C. J. Buskens, E. J. M. Nieveen van Dijkum, W. A. Bemelman, T. P. Grantcharov, M. P. Schijven
Surgical Endoscopy
Background Surgical safety may be improved using a medical data recorder (MDR) for the purpose of postoperative team debriefing. It provides the team in the operating room (OR) with the opportunity to look back upon their joint performance objectively to discuss and learn from suboptimal situations or possible adverse events. The aim of this study was to investigate the satisfaction of the OR team using an MDR, the OR Black Box®, in the OR as a tool providing output for structured team debriefing.
Methods In this longitudinal survey study, 35 gastro-intestinal laparoscopic operations were recorded using the OR Black Box® and the output was subsequently debriefed with the operating team. Prior to study, a privacy impact assessment was conducted to ensure alignment with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. A structured debrief model and an OR Back Box® performance report was developed. A standardized survey was used to measure participant’s satisfaction with the team debriefing, the debriefing model used and the performance report. Factor analysis was performed to assess the questionnaire’s quality and identified contributing satisfaction factors. Multivariable analysis was performed to identify variables associated with participants’ opinions.
Results In total, 81 team members of various disciplines in the OR participated, comprising 35 laparoscopic procedures. Mean satisfaction with the OR Black Box® performance report and team debriefing was high for all 3 identified independent satisfaction factors. Of all participants, 98% recommend using the OR Black Box® and the outcome report in team debriefing.
Conclusion The use of an MDR in the OR for the purpose of team debriefing is considered to be both beneficial and important. Team debriefing using the OR Black Box® outcome report is highly recommended by 98% of team members participating.